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Chronic Pain Connect Group - - - Special Event - Guest Speaker - Jeff Sarkozi, MD, FRCPC, FACR - Rheumatologist and author.
Monday, September 9th, 2024
6:00 PM ET
1h 30m

All are Welcome

This event is scheduled for one hour and a half to allow for extra time for our guest speaker and Q and A session - It can extend if needed.

Dr, Sarkozi will inform and answwer questions as well as discuss his book - "Fibromyalgia and Chronic Widespread Pain: How to Survive and Thrive: A Natural Unified Mind-Body-World Understanding and Integrative Strategies to Recover Your Health and Well-Being" -  (2023)  - ISBN: 978-0981922348.

Dr. Sarkozi joined our 19 August get-together and has kindly agreed to return 9 September to inform and share his extensive knowledge and experiences. He will also discuss his book and answer any questions.  The title and ISBN are provided in the event you may wish to obtain the book prior to the get-together.  

Please join us for a very informative and interesting get-together.    



The information presented is for informational and educational purposes only. This information should not be construed as personal medical advice. Because each person’s health needs are different, a physician should be consulted before acting on any information provided during this meeting.

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